Monday, September 1, 2014

Meet Emma

Meet Emma

Hi guys, Emma here! This last past month of mine has been really exciting! Even though we have been living here for almost a year, I finally got my first steady babysitting job here! Also, the high school group at my youth group has gotten quite a bit bigger, so that's exciting.

I’ve also been crocheting a decent amount, and decided to show you guys the Pinkie Pie that I made for my brother.

Isn't she adorable?

I realized that our profile doesn’t really tell much about each of us individually. So I decided that for this week’s blog post, I’m going to tell you a little bit more about myself and my interests.


Well, first of all, I’m 16 and have light brown hair and green eyes with terrible eye sight. I’ve got ridiculously big feet and am pretty tall and lanky, but that doesn’t stop me from wearing heels! I’m also a Junior and I am homeschooled.

I’m the oldest of almost 6 and I’m an army brat. My dad joined the Army when I was 7, and I have so far lived in Illinois, North Carolina, Korea, California, South Carolina, Texas and now Colorado. Don’t ask me where my favorite place has been so far, because I’ll talk for about 20 minutes about the pros and cons of each place. But I really want to move back to Texas. One of my best friends lives there now, and Texas is just an awesome state!

Although I’m not technically, I like to think of myself as southern. I could live off of only sweet tea and fried chicken, and I’d do so in my cowboy boots.

 I don’t watch too much TV, but my favorite shows are Doctor Who, Phineas and Ferb, My Little Pony, and the Andy Griffith show.  I’ve re-watched Tuck Everlasting, Pirates of the Caribbean and National Treasures more than I care to admit. I also make it to the midnight premiere of as many Marvel movies as I possibly can.  I also stop what I’m doing to watch whatever Disney movie my little siblings decided on. Although I will admit that every once in a while I will put on Tangled and watch it by myself.


 I’m also a really big reader (as if you didn’t get that from my profile). My overall favorite book is Tuck Everlasting, which has been my favorite since I was 8. My happy place (besides Disney World) is sitting somewhere comfy while it’s raining or snowing with tea and a good book. I’ve got an ever expanding mini library in my room, which I am very proud of.  I also have an ever expanding list of books to read.

 Obviously, I’m a crafter too, hence my part in our Etsy shop. I can knit and loom knit, but my real passion is crocheting. I love making new things, and almost always make up my own pattern.

I put a Disney twist on pretty much everything I do. I love crocheting Disney dolls, or drinking tea out of one of my Disney mugs. We’ve got a Disney countdown stretching over one of our hallways with 140 little chains, because our next trip is in January!

Lastly, and most importantly, I’m a Christian. That’s one big thing that you probably already know about me because of my last post, but I’d just like to say it again.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about one of the Four Little Sparks, I’ll see you again next month!

Oh, and besides my Pinkie Pie picture and my selfie, the other two pictures were taken forever ago by one of my best friends Ashley. Here is a link to her Facebook page Check her out!

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