Monday, September 29, 2014

Emma's Face Cream Recipe (and how it works)

Hey guys, Emma here! This past month has been a bit busy! I started school, and we made some friends in our neighborhood, so we’ve been outside playing Frisbee or whiffle ball and enjoying the last bit of nice summer weather.
I’ve got a really big crochet order from our etsy shop (If I get it done in time, pictures will probably be up next month), and I’m in the middle of making two crocheted dolls for Kate and Julia’s cousins, Abbey and Maddey, and those pictures will definitely be up next month, along with Kate’s present!

I’ve also gotten several more babysitting jobs! Now I’ve got 3 people who want me to babysit consistently! One of those jobs is for some people that we know from church, and there dad speaks French, which is really great because I’m hoping to learn French this year. I’m also learning how to make all sorts of fancy coffee at our church from him, which I find really exciting!

This month for my blog post, I decided to switch gears a little bit and write a DIY beauty post, so lets get to it!

First things first, I am a cheapskate. I’d rather make my own anything or buy it on sale or at a thrift store before buying it new.

Another thing, is that although I’m almost 17, I can’t drive yet (more on that later). So that means that when my mom is busy, my lips were hurting like crazy for some reason and we didn’t already own something to help, I make my own! Which is why I decided to write out this post!

Last week, my lips were dry, red and irritated. I looked on Pinterest for a natural DIY cure, and looked at several before I got this idea.

I mixed about ¼ cup of coconut oil and 10-12 drops of lavender and frankincense essential oils, and applied it to my lips. They were absolutely fine in about 2 hours and 2 coats!

That in itself is pretty cool, because my lips get dry a lot in the winter and sometimes chap stick doesn’t cut it. However, I found that it works on a bunch of other things to, particularly skin problems.

Lavender is great for skin conditions and problems such as: psoriasis, eczema, scarring, stretch marks, burns, acne and pimples. It can also be used as an antiseptic. Frankincense is great for inflammation.

I started using this cream every night before bed on my pimples, blackheads and old scars from pimples. I had 2 really bright red pimples on my nose, and they were gone the next day! After just a week of doing that, all of the afore mentioned problems are almost completely gone. I still have a few stubborn scars and blackheads, but I can see major improvement.

I’ve also grown out my eyelashes quite a bit by rubbing just the tiniest dab of this lovely cream to my lashes, and by adding 2 drops of lavender oil to my mascara tube.

If you try this cream, make sure to rub it in nicely before bed, so that your skin doesn’t feel or look oily. By the next day, your skin should have absorbed all of those great ingredients, and you may even see a difference. Don’t except anything right away though, give it about 7-10 days.

Good luck with my magic cream, and I’ll see y’all next month!

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