Saturday, December 27, 2014

My Frozen Alternate Universe Theory

Hey guys! It's Julia. I've decided to share an idea inspired by the Disney film Frozen that I came up with some time ago.
Wait for it . . .

What if Hans was just a figment of Anna's imagination!

It would make sense. As a result of feeling abandoned and lonely for years, Anna involuntarily imagined a friend. He was quirky and cute, he knew what it was like to feel invisible, and he was always there when Anna was feeling blue. He was perfect. But maybe too perfect.

She started getting confused between her imagination and reality. He proposed to her! And she accepted.

When Anna approaches Elsa about the marriage, Elsa realizes that Anna will not believe that Hans is, in fact, not real. she decides to take a different approach; just telling her she can't marry a man she just met. As a result, Elsa reveals her powers, starting off this whole adventure.

As she is on her journey, Anna meets Kristoff and inevitably falls in love with him. Only one problem, Hans!

Although they both know they love the other, Kristoff believes that Hans is real so to save Anna, he brings her back to Hans.

In order to be with Kristoff, Anna, or Anna's mind, has to get rid of Hans. So she comes up with this whole thing where he doesn't love her, but was, indeed, using her.

To add to everything, Anna thinks that Hans is going to kill Elsa. So she "sacrifices" herself for Elsa. Even though Hans was just her imagination so Elsa technically wasn't in real danger, Anna thought she was so the act of true love still sort of counts.

In the end she made up his punishment. She punched him and sent him home to his twelve brothers and let them take care of him.

And Anna & Kristoff (and Elsa) lived happily ever after
The End

Now before you go judging me, I know I can't explain everything, I just thought that in an alternate Frozen universe, that would be really cool.

See ya real soon!

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