Monday, September 8, 2014

About Julia

Julia, 2014
How about we start with the basics! My name is Julia, I am twelve and turning thirteen in October, I’m homeschooled, and in 8th grade. I’m second born of five kids and I have (what I consider to be) dirty-blonde hair and big, dark brown eyes.

Me with my best friend Avery, Disney World, 2007

I was a very stubborn and determined child and I still am. I would never open Christmas presents when I was told it was my turn; ONLY when I wanted to. I also ate dirt one time. The bigger boy cousins were playing in it and I thought they were eating it so I joined in. I looked like I raided a box of Oreos

I am really afraid of fish, I am obsessed with my upcoming Disney trip and birthday party, I play the ukulele and dabble with piano, I enjoy morning, and my favorite season is fall.

I like wearing comfy clothes, which means I only put on jeans if I have to. Pasta is amazing in my opinion and I also like mozzarella sticks and cheesy garlic bread. My family and I travel and go camping all the time and everyone is always telling me that my hair is so soft and that my eyelashes are so long.

I don’t like math but science is a different story. I love big houses with lots and lots of grass around it and I am a professional multi-tasker.  I also love roller-coasters and thrill rides.

This is me playing Scuttle in The Little Mermaid, 2013

I love dance and musical theatre. I’ve been doing theatre since 2005 and musical theatre since 2012. I’ve been taking dance only since fall 2013. I’m currently taking just ballet and pointe but I’ve done lyrical, contemporary, stretches and turns, and fabrics. In non-musical theatre I’ve played an angel in several Christmas pageants and Avery Arable in Charlotte’s Web. As for musical theatre I’ve played a Lost Boy in Peter Pan, a Servant and Rockette Dancer in Annie Jr, Shanti in The Jungle Book, and Scuttle in The Little Mermaid. As well as many other ensemble roles in other musicals.
I hope you enjoyed my second blog post about me! I am currently working on a Mickey Mouse-inspired mini purse for the shop so keep a look out!
If you have any questions about me ask in the comments and I will gladly answer!!

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