Monday, September 29, 2014

Emma's Face Cream Recipe (and how it works)

Hey guys, Emma here! This past month has been a bit busy! I started school, and we made some friends in our neighborhood, so we’ve been outside playing Frisbee or whiffle ball and enjoying the last bit of nice summer weather.
I’ve got a really big crochet order from our etsy shop (If I get it done in time, pictures will probably be up next month), and I’m in the middle of making two crocheted dolls for Kate and Julia’s cousins, Abbey and Maddey, and those pictures will definitely be up next month, along with Kate’s present!

I’ve also gotten several more babysitting jobs! Now I’ve got 3 people who want me to babysit consistently! One of those jobs is for some people that we know from church, and there dad speaks French, which is really great because I’m hoping to learn French this year. I’m also learning how to make all sorts of fancy coffee at our church from him, which I find really exciting!

This month for my blog post, I decided to switch gears a little bit and write a DIY beauty post, so lets get to it!

First things first, I am a cheapskate. I’d rather make my own anything or buy it on sale or at a thrift store before buying it new.

Another thing, is that although I’m almost 17, I can’t drive yet (more on that later). So that means that when my mom is busy, my lips were hurting like crazy for some reason and we didn’t already own something to help, I make my own! Which is why I decided to write out this post!

Last week, my lips were dry, red and irritated. I looked on Pinterest for a natural DIY cure, and looked at several before I got this idea.

I mixed about ¼ cup of coconut oil and 10-12 drops of lavender and frankincense essential oils, and applied it to my lips. They were absolutely fine in about 2 hours and 2 coats!

That in itself is pretty cool, because my lips get dry a lot in the winter and sometimes chap stick doesn’t cut it. However, I found that it works on a bunch of other things to, particularly skin problems.

Lavender is great for skin conditions and problems such as: psoriasis, eczema, scarring, stretch marks, burns, acne and pimples. It can also be used as an antiseptic. Frankincense is great for inflammation.

I started using this cream every night before bed on my pimples, blackheads and old scars from pimples. I had 2 really bright red pimples on my nose, and they were gone the next day! After just a week of doing that, all of the afore mentioned problems are almost completely gone. I still have a few stubborn scars and blackheads, but I can see major improvement.

I’ve also grown out my eyelashes quite a bit by rubbing just the tiniest dab of this lovely cream to my lashes, and by adding 2 drops of lavender oil to my mascara tube.

If you try this cream, make sure to rub it in nicely before bed, so that your skin doesn’t feel or look oily. By the next day, your skin should have absorbed all of those great ingredients, and you may even see a difference. Don’t except anything right away though, give it about 7-10 days.

Good luck with my magic cream, and I’ll see y’all next month!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Who Am I? Part 4: Galatians & Ephesians

Hey, it's Kate, sorry this is so late!

So this Saturday I went to an AWESOME Renaissance Faire, it was super cool! And that night I had my new friend Nicole spend the night & we all watched Saving Mr. Banks- which was a great movie by the way. Homecoming & Spirit Week are coming up, and it should be a blast :)

So Galatians 2:19 tells us that we have died to the law so that we might live for God- now the law Paul writes of is not the kind of law we think of (stealing, trespassing, running a red light) but rather the laws the Jews faced regarding the way they must live their everyday lives and pay for their sins. We are free from the everyday atonement that other religions require, and from some of the original laws that were set in the Old Testament.

Verse 20 continues by saying that we have been crucified in Christ and no longer live for ourselves but live through faith for Christ.

Chapter 4 verse 7 says that we are no longer a slave (to sin or the law), but are God's children. And since we are his children, we are also his heirs. What is our inheritance? Heaven.

Verse 28 says that we, like Isaac, are children of promise. Isaac, born of Abraham and Sarah, was the child promised to Abraham by God that was to bless all nations. We are a child of that promise, too. This also means something more- it means that if we are like Isaac, we were planned by God to be born when, where, and how we were born. We were not an accident or a surprise. We were perfectly formed and planned children, hand-crafted by God himself.

Next is Ephesians 1:4-5, & 7 is a lot to handle, so I'll break it down for you-

Verse 4 declares that God chose us to be blameless and holy in his sight before the world was created! He chose us! And that, is absolutely wonderful to know.  Verse 5 states that he chose us to be so because he loves us!

Skipping to verse 7, we find it says that we have forgiveness "in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us." this is a truly wonderful fact, isn't it? We have been totally and completely forgiven. And we are never allowed to forget it!

Chapter 2 verse 10 tells us we are God's handiwork, created in Christ to do good works. A masterpiece meant not only to enlighten and to be beautiful, but to serve and love as well.

Verse 13 says that we who were once far away from God have been brought close by the blood of Jesus. We were separated from God because of our deeds and desires, creating a chasm between us that could not be bridged by us. But Jesus not only made a bridge to close the gap, but he also washed us clean so that the chasm might not ever separate us again.

Verse 14 continues by saying that God is our peace, and 19 declares that through Christ we are no longer strangers and foreigners but member's of God's very own family.

Chapter 3, verse 12 tells us that we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Let me ask you- how do you treat your best friend? You're confident around them, and you know you can tell them anything, right? Well, God is your best friend too. He loves you as you are and does not judge you for it. But, even better than a best friend, he always knows what is right and encourages you to do better. So approach God with freedom and confidence when you pray.

And now I leave you with one, final thought- If Jesus were coming over to spend the day with you, would you act any differently than you did today?

What stood out most to you in this post? Let us know in the comments!!

Kate <3

Monday, September 15, 2014

About Bailey

About Bailey
 The first thing I'm going to start out with is the obvious things. 
My name is Bailey I'm thirteen and the third child of  Five soon to be six.
My eye color is green and I have light brown hair.
I'm also a Christian.


I'm an army brat and so far I have lived in Cambridge IL,
 Fort Bragg, NC, Seoul, Korea, Monterey, CA, Columbia, SC,
 San Antonio, TX and I currently live Colo Spgs, Co.

I absolutely love Walt Disney World and everything about it.
 My favorite ride at Disney is Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.
I can't wait to go in January with all of my mom's side of the family! 
 I hope to attend the Disney College Program with my AWESOME cousin Julia in fall of 2020!

Another thing about me is I have a beagle named Elsa!
She's sometimes a bit of a handful but she's still adorable.
 And YES I named her after Frozen.
 Her sister Ana is the family Dog.

 I'm homeschooled and in 8th grade!
Although I'm good at math and a grade ahead I still hate it.
 I do enjoy History and Science though!
After I'm done with my school
 I love going outside and playing with my friends!
 Or I will stay inside and watch
 Magnum P.I. ,19 Kids And Counting , Duck
 Dynasty or The Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew series.

Hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about me
Talk to you next month!

Have any Questions about me
comment down below.

Monday, September 8, 2014

About Julia

Julia, 2014
How about we start with the basics! My name is Julia, I am twelve and turning thirteen in October, I’m homeschooled, and in 8th grade. I’m second born of five kids and I have (what I consider to be) dirty-blonde hair and big, dark brown eyes.

Me with my best friend Avery, Disney World, 2007

I was a very stubborn and determined child and I still am. I would never open Christmas presents when I was told it was my turn; ONLY when I wanted to. I also ate dirt one time. The bigger boy cousins were playing in it and I thought they were eating it so I joined in. I looked like I raided a box of Oreos

I am really afraid of fish, I am obsessed with my upcoming Disney trip and birthday party, I play the ukulele and dabble with piano, I enjoy morning, and my favorite season is fall.

I like wearing comfy clothes, which means I only put on jeans if I have to. Pasta is amazing in my opinion and I also like mozzarella sticks and cheesy garlic bread. My family and I travel and go camping all the time and everyone is always telling me that my hair is so soft and that my eyelashes are so long.

I don’t like math but science is a different story. I love big houses with lots and lots of grass around it and I am a professional multi-tasker.  I also love roller-coasters and thrill rides.

This is me playing Scuttle in The Little Mermaid, 2013

I love dance and musical theatre. I’ve been doing theatre since 2005 and musical theatre since 2012. I’ve been taking dance only since fall 2013. I’m currently taking just ballet and pointe but I’ve done lyrical, contemporary, stretches and turns, and fabrics. In non-musical theatre I’ve played an angel in several Christmas pageants and Avery Arable in Charlotte’s Web. As for musical theatre I’ve played a Lost Boy in Peter Pan, a Servant and Rockette Dancer in Annie Jr, Shanti in The Jungle Book, and Scuttle in The Little Mermaid. As well as many other ensemble roles in other musicals.
I hope you enjoyed my second blog post about me! I am currently working on a Mickey Mouse-inspired mini purse for the shop so keep a look out!
If you have any questions about me ask in the comments and I will gladly answer!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Meet Emma

Meet Emma

Hi guys, Emma here! This last past month of mine has been really exciting! Even though we have been living here for almost a year, I finally got my first steady babysitting job here! Also, the high school group at my youth group has gotten quite a bit bigger, so that's exciting.

I’ve also been crocheting a decent amount, and decided to show you guys the Pinkie Pie that I made for my brother.

Isn't she adorable?

I realized that our profile doesn’t really tell much about each of us individually. So I decided that for this week’s blog post, I’m going to tell you a little bit more about myself and my interests.


Well, first of all, I’m 16 and have light brown hair and green eyes with terrible eye sight. I’ve got ridiculously big feet and am pretty tall and lanky, but that doesn’t stop me from wearing heels! I’m also a Junior and I am homeschooled.

I’m the oldest of almost 6 and I’m an army brat. My dad joined the Army when I was 7, and I have so far lived in Illinois, North Carolina, Korea, California, South Carolina, Texas and now Colorado. Don’t ask me where my favorite place has been so far, because I’ll talk for about 20 minutes about the pros and cons of each place. But I really want to move back to Texas. One of my best friends lives there now, and Texas is just an awesome state!

Although I’m not technically, I like to think of myself as southern. I could live off of only sweet tea and fried chicken, and I’d do so in my cowboy boots.

 I don’t watch too much TV, but my favorite shows are Doctor Who, Phineas and Ferb, My Little Pony, and the Andy Griffith show.  I’ve re-watched Tuck Everlasting, Pirates of the Caribbean and National Treasures more than I care to admit. I also make it to the midnight premiere of as many Marvel movies as I possibly can.  I also stop what I’m doing to watch whatever Disney movie my little siblings decided on. Although I will admit that every once in a while I will put on Tangled and watch it by myself.


 I’m also a really big reader (as if you didn’t get that from my profile). My overall favorite book is Tuck Everlasting, which has been my favorite since I was 8. My happy place (besides Disney World) is sitting somewhere comfy while it’s raining or snowing with tea and a good book. I’ve got an ever expanding mini library in my room, which I am very proud of.  I also have an ever expanding list of books to read.

 Obviously, I’m a crafter too, hence my part in our Etsy shop. I can knit and loom knit, but my real passion is crocheting. I love making new things, and almost always make up my own pattern.

I put a Disney twist on pretty much everything I do. I love crocheting Disney dolls, or drinking tea out of one of my Disney mugs. We’ve got a Disney countdown stretching over one of our hallways with 140 little chains, because our next trip is in January!

Lastly, and most importantly, I’m a Christian. That’s one big thing that you probably already know about me because of my last post, but I’d just like to say it again.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about one of the Four Little Sparks, I’ll see you again next month!

Oh, and besides my Pinkie Pie picture and my selfie, the other two pictures were taken forever ago by one of my best friends Ashley. Here is a link to her Facebook page Check her out!