Monday, November 10, 2014

Reasons why I love Disney:)

Hi guys this is Bailey this past month has been very crazy first off my mom had Evan and my Aunt  Becky(Julia and Kate's mom) and Papa Harry(My mom's dad) came to see Evan. It was so crazy I almost forgot about my blog post.

 I've decided to write my blog post on Disney. There's only a couple more months left till I go and I just couldn't wait any longer to write about Disney so here is reasons why I'm obsessed with Disney.

1. It's magical
 Since I was a little girl I've always loved going to Disney. I'm a complete Disnerd. I have definitely learned that all magic comes with a price.

2. The princesses
I've always loved Belle I don't know why because I'm nothing like her.
Ever since I was a little girl I've liked her!

3.Spending time with Family
Whenever my family go's almost every time we go with Julia and Kate!
When we don't go with Julia and Kate I'm still spending time with my siblings.

4.The rides
My favorite rides to go on at Disney are The Mad Tea Party, Thunder Mountain Railroad and Tomorrow Land Speedway(or as I like to call it autotopia).Julia is trying to get me to ride Tower of Tower when we go in January, I think I might just go on it.:)

 I have 11 Disney shirts and love them all, When we go in January I'll be able to wear one everyday were in the park and have one left over. I also have a set of pajamas.


                                See you next month for my blog post until then see you later.

                                       Do you have any favorite things about Disney
                                                           Comment Down Below.

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