Monday, November 24, 2014

Commonly Missinterpreted Bible Verses

Hey ya'll! Its Emma again!
Of all the months that I have said were crazy, this one takes the cake. My baby brother Evan was born on November 6th, and I got to be there for the majority of my mom’s labor and birth. We also had Kate & Julia’s mom (our Aunt Becky) and our Papa Harry stay for a few days.

I’m also dog sitting for the next couple days, and I’ve been getting more babysitting jobs. I’m getting better and better at making coffees at the coffee bar we have at our church, and next week I’m going to be the main person doing it!

We also found out that the Moberlys should be able to come visit us on December 7th!

On the crochet side of my update, I have several almost done projects. I’m making a Belle doll for a friend, a blanket for Evan, a Mickey Mouse inspired throw pillow and am still working on a custom order for our Etsy. Pictures will be up next month!

Today for my blog post, I decided to write about some of the verses/passages in the Bible that are commonly misinterpreted. This is a subject I find really interesting, and I love researching about it. So lets just jump right in!


Leviticus 27:1-7

Basically people are saying that men are worth more than women, because here they have more monetary value.

Ha. Ha. Ha. No. That is not what they are saying.

First of all, men were worth more then. That’s why women had to fight for their right to vote in the early 1900s. Men are STILL viewed as more in a lot of countries still.

This is just how it was back then, it is merely history that the Bible is accounting.

1 Timothy 2:9

“Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire.”

Paul is not prohibiting the wearing of jewelry (see 1 Peter 3:3-4). The principle is that women should not dress seductively, and that they should focus more on inner beauty.

To me this verse means that it is absolutely fine that my ears are double pierced or that I wear rings everyday. I dress modestly and shop mostly at thrift stores, so I am good on the literal part of that verse J. However one thing that does stand out to me about this verse is that Paul says that we should focus more on inner beauty. If I do everything right by the rest of that verse but am conceited, then I am certainly doing something wrong.

2 Kings 6:28-29

These verses tell of two women who agreed to kill their sons and eat them. On the first day, the first woman killed her son and they both ate him. On the second day, the second woman hid her son so the other woman couldn’t eat him.

The Bible NEVER says that this is ok.

Again, it is simply history. This famine was so bad that people ate their own children and tricked each other.

Crazy Leviticus Laws

I’ve seen multiple lists that basically say “Well, Leviticus also says not to do all of these things that you do, so why can’t homosexuality be ok?”

Leviticus 19:19 – “you shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind”

Leviticus 19:27 – “you shall not round off the hair on your temples”

Leviticus 19:28 – “you shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves”

Leviticus 11:10-11 – “But anything in the seas or the rivers that have not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living that are in the waters, is detestable to you. You shall regard them as detestable; you shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses.”

There are many other verses like these out there, but these are some of my favorites and the ones I’ve heard of several times.

You have to look at the background information of these verses. These are all things that the Canaanites did. God wanted the Israelites to be set apart. Holiness requires Israel not to act like the pagans in many areas of life.

Deuteronomy 22:5

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord, your God.”

This is not saying that we can’t wear unisex clothing or that a woman can’t wear her boyfriend’s jacket. It also doesn’t condemn my men’s Captain America shirts J

It prohibits transvertism (like drag) and also has to do with pagan temple prostitution.

1 Timothy 2:15

“Yet she will be saved through childbearing”

Paul is not saying that a woman will be saved by having children or that that is where their worth comes from.

The New Testament also uses the term “saved” in the sense of progressively coming to experience in aspects of salvation. People are “saved” when they persevere and endure in the faith to carry out the Lords calling in their life. Child bearing is a unique example to women, and has quite a bit of enduring involved.
I hope you liked learning more about the weird verses in the Bible, and hopefully you understand some things more then you did before. Leave us a comment below telling us a verse that you would like to know more about, or one that you have researched about!
Love, Emma :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

5 Things Public School Taught Me

Hi guys!

Sorry this is a day late, my parents are in Mexico this week (jealous!), and I'm helping my Aunt Arielle watch my siblings and her kids. Its been super busy.

So, this past week alone, I spent all day learning songs for the District Honor Choir and then performing them the next day. We did five fantastic songs, the first of which was called "Alfred". It was a cute little vocal warm up song that we decided to open with. The second was called "Zion's Walls", that was an epic song. I really enjoyed it. Third up was "Set Me As a Seal", based upon the famous verses in Song of Songs. It was a truly gorgeous song. Fourth was "Veniki" a classic Russian tongue-twister about Brooms. And last, but certainly not least, was "Letter From a Girl To The World". I definitely recommend listening to all of these, but especially "Letter". I also quit school. I've had some anxiety, issues with friends, and, well, it's really time consuming. So I pulled out. Plus, we love to travel and the powers that be at RRHS probably wouldn't be happy if I was gone for a few days every other week.

So, in light of the past few months, I thought I'd share a few things Public School taught me.

1. True Christian teenagers are a dying breed.
This is a little sad, but it's true. Most of the people who I met that claimed to be Christians didn't live that out. Sometimes, that included me. When everyone around you is different, its hard to stay strong. I still held on to the big things, like refusing to take part in crude humor, or dating, and things like that, but the small things quickly evaporated. I've heard all my life about ways to reach out and show Jesus to my school friends, but as soon as I began to go, it all disappeared from my head. And, its sad to say, the very girl who I thought could be a good Christian friend to me, turned into a drama-prone friend who refused to be there for me.

2. Real friends will care if you're uncomfortable.
Most people, even my "friends", really enjoyed making me uncomfortable with their crude humor and other subjects that shouldn't be discussed in public. But the people who were really my friends- even if those things didn't bother them- would refrain from those subjects and ask others to stop on my behalf when I was to embarrassed to show my face, much less say anything. There were only two, maybe three, people who would do that for me, and I know I'll keep in touch with them because they were real friends.

3. School Dances are NOT the place for Christian Homeschoolers.
I  went to homecoming, and while I had a good time, it was NOT the dance that provided it. First off, I can't dance AT ALL, much less dirty dance. I should've thought it through, OF COURSE there would be dirty music and dirty dancing. OF COURSE. I happened to make a friend and hang out with him at the dance, but that dance was an experience I could've lived without. There, I learned exactly why I didn't fit in, and for about 20 minutes I was lonely and miserable. Thankfully there was a half-decent guy there willing to talk to me, so I had a nice time, but I'm never going to another Public School dance as long as I live.

4. It is a blessing to be so sheltered.
I was BY FAR the most sheltered kid in school and boy am I proud of it. I have my pride, innocence, sanity, and dignity (mostly) in tact. I never made an enemy, not even a person who slightly disliked me, and nearly everyone loved me (not to be prideful). But I owe all of that to the kind person my parents raised (and sheltered) me to be. I haven't lived a life totally free of hardship, but those experiences helped me grow into a person that I am proud to be. I have been sheltered, more than most I know, but I have also had experiences (with and without my parents' blessing) that have helped me know that my parents' rules and decisions were for my good. I can live without watching R rated movies- gore, blood, ghosts, demons, and the like I am much, much, better without- and the other reason movies are rated R, everyone can live without (just to be clear, I have NEVER seen an R rated movie). This applies to everything from not going to Public School to not dating until I'm 16. My parents know what they're doing, even when I don't.

5. A one-size fits all learning system is not the best way to grow intelligent, productive members of society.
Time is so wasted in public schools. They spend too long in a class that does not have time for the teacher to focus only on them and help them. There is little time left for socializing, growing skills schools do not teach, and figuring out what you want to do, after the long school days and endless mounds of homework. Students have to wake up at 6:30 in the morning at the absolute latest, be in 1st period by 7:15, end school at 2:30, do extra curricular activities for hours, go home, eat dinner, and do homework until midnight. And some people do more extra curricular activities BEFORE school. I don't know about you, but I think time is wasted at school big-time. And I, personally, enjoy having time for hobbies and social activities on weekdays.

I learned so much at school, much more than I can think of to put here. I would do it again, but I am glad its over. I kind of need those five hours back.

Love, Kate!

P.S. In case you were wondering, I really am a teacher's pet :)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Reasons why I love Disney:)

Hi guys this is Bailey this past month has been very crazy first off my mom had Evan and my Aunt  Becky(Julia and Kate's mom) and Papa Harry(My mom's dad) came to see Evan. It was so crazy I almost forgot about my blog post.

 I've decided to write my blog post on Disney. There's only a couple more months left till I go and I just couldn't wait any longer to write about Disney so here is reasons why I'm obsessed with Disney.

1. It's magical
 Since I was a little girl I've always loved going to Disney. I'm a complete Disnerd. I have definitely learned that all magic comes with a price.

2. The princesses
I've always loved Belle I don't know why because I'm nothing like her.
Ever since I was a little girl I've liked her!

3.Spending time with Family
Whenever my family go's almost every time we go with Julia and Kate!
When we don't go with Julia and Kate I'm still spending time with my siblings.

4.The rides
My favorite rides to go on at Disney are The Mad Tea Party, Thunder Mountain Railroad and Tomorrow Land Speedway(or as I like to call it autotopia).Julia is trying to get me to ride Tower of Tower when we go in January, I think I might just go on it.:)

 I have 11 Disney shirts and love them all, When we go in January I'll be able to wear one everyday were in the park and have one left over. I also have a set of pajamas.


                                See you next month for my blog post until then see you later.

                                       Do you have any favorite things about Disney
                                                           Comment Down Below.

Monday, November 3, 2014

10 reasons why Fall is my favorite!

Hey guys, Julia here! This past month has been awesome! Our family friends from Illinois (as well as the Cassady’s) came for my birthday party and the balloon fiesta.

My birthday party theme was Murder under the Big Top. It’s a mystery party we bought off of . The packs are a little expensive but they make very fun parties; I was tied between Murder under the Big top (a circus), a pirate one, and an eighties class reunion one. Ultimately I picked the circus because I got to be and acrobat!
The balloon fiesta was pretty cool. The balloons never went up but we saw some pretty cool balloons. My favorites were a rainbow one, Spider Pig, and the dead cat.

From left to right:
Bailey the Lion Tamer
Julia the Acrobat
Avery the Tightrope walker

Avery, Bailey, and I made this awesome
ticket booth by taking a really big box,
painting it white, and duct taping it
for the stripes.

Balloon fiesta!
10 reasons why Fall is my favorite!

My Anna costume turned out awesome!
1. My birthday!
2. Crisp air and colorful leaves!
Especially when I lived in Illinois, it was cold, and colorful! A little less here in New Mexico, so that's something I'm going to miss.
3. Fall clothes!
Oversized sweaters, jeans, boots, and scarves! I love it!
4. Apple orchards and pumpkin patches!
In Illinois there was an apple orchard we went to every Fall. Now here in New Mexico, they have a few cool pumpkin patches.
5. Pumpkin carving!
This year I carved a pumpkin all by myself for the first time (It was Olaf)
6. Making costumes!
We always make our costumes.
Thrift shopping, fabric shopping, sewing, and painting. Always fun!
7. Trick-or-treating!
Yes, I know. I’m 13; most people my age think they’re too old for trick-or-treating. I actually had someone say to me (when I was reaching for candy) “No, not you, you’re like 24!”
8. Trading candy!
A Halloween tradition. Trade candy you don’t like (tootsie rolls, dots, etc.) for candy you do like (Reese's, jolly rancher suckers, etc.)
 9. Balloon Fiesta!

Something fun to look forward to every fall

10. Thanksgiving!

Getting to eat raspberry jello, sweet potato soufflé, ham, and turkey! What could be better?

What do you love about fall? Let us know in the comments!!
See you next month!