Thursday, April 9, 2015

Entertaining and Helpful Youtube Channels, Blogs, and Websites for Dancers

Hey y'all! It's Julia here with a blog post for all you dancers! Here are some YouTube channels, blogs, and websites for dancers that I enjoy looking at from time to time.

Autumn Miller and her mom Krista Miller giving lots of helpful hints and tips on their YouTube channel. It has lots of tutorials and a few online classes so check it out!
They have hundreds of videos and tutorials on dance, fitness, cheerleading, gymnastics, and more!
A YouTube channel and blog that has lots of tutorials as well as fun dancery stuff so it appeals to all sorts of dancers!
An SAK collab YouTube channel with tutorials, dances, and fun dance related stuff!
An amazing blog that has everything dance related under the sun from tips to quizzes to competition packing lists. You can also e-mail the creators to get specific advice and recommendations.
Both very cheap dancwear and dance accessories online shops. you can also get a lot of their products off of but usually these prices are cheaper.

These are a few of many, many YouTube channels, blogs, and websites that may interest you.

So that's it for this post!
Comment if any of these helped you or if you have any recommendations!